Skin Biolab

As a service company we develop and provide DIY beauty workshops and seminars for women, men and children. We provide natural ingredients as well as recipes for make-your-own skin, hair and beauty care products.


Discovering Beauty

Our mission is to develop and constantly improve the knowledge based on newest technology and innovative raw materials. With a view to our customers’ satisfaction, we endeavour to discover and fulfil their needs and to create for them top-quality workshops, as well as base products for them to customise.

Get to know us!

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We are happy to help.

We set the standards in skin care!



We provide high quality skin care ingredients and state-of-the-art formulas. We create seminars to make it possible for every woman, regardless of age and financial status, to create cosmetics tailored to cater to the particular needs of her skin.


We created advanced skin care recipes for men, specially designed for comprehensive care of both body and face, that fully meets the needs of male skin. The formulas are rich in minerals, hyaluronic acid, grain lipids, and Q10 coenzyme.


We developed special program for schools so the kids can have fun and learn at the same time. Our goal is to meet the needs of Children at every stage using only the highest quality of pure and simple botanical elements sourced from nature.

DIY Skin care

We provide exceptional natural beauty ingredients to DIY crafters. We strive to provide exceptional customer service, and to produce relevant recipes, blogs, and DIY videos about the products and ingredients of natural skin care.

Commitment to Quality

Quality is part of our everyday routine; it is part of our culture, the way we work, and why we take pride in what we do. We cross the boundaries of the digital skill divide. Our work blends content, strategy, design, technology, marketing, sales, and business consulting in order to solve real-world growth issues for our clients. We care deeply about growth, and we work hard to cut through the clutter and obstacles that prevent prospects from becoming buyers.


Get in touch

  • Registered Office UK:
    Skin Biolab CEE Ltd
    7 Bell Yard
    London, WC2A 2JR
    United Kingdom
  • Phone: +44 (0)20 808 96831
  • Skin Biolab CEE Ltd is registered in England and Wales, Company Number 12705650